
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

UNit_Test_2 Important

Dear students,
   PLease find the important questions for unit_test_2
1.      What is bus stealing?
2.      List the modes of 8255
3.      List the features of memory mapped I/O.
4.      What is key debouncing?
5.      Define 2 key lock out and N-key rollover
6.      What is resolution in ADC?
7.      Compare parallel and serial communication
8.      What are the steps to interface peripherals to 8086
9.      List the Timer modes
10.  What is RTS and CTS?
Part B (2*15 = 30 Marks)
11.  Explain the operation and modes of 8255 with necessary
12.  Explain the operation and modes of 8253 Timer
13.   Discuss about the block diagram and control registers of 8251 USART.           
14.  Explain how ADC and DAC are interfaced with 8086 with suitable assembly language program.

Friday, August 4, 2017


Dear Students Follow the link to play this classical hangman game on microprocessor   CLICK HERE

Thursday, August 3, 2017


Dear Students,

     Please find important Questions

Name any 5 processor control instructions
Calculate the physical address, when segment address is 1085H and effective address is 4537H
What is pipelining? What is the use of Instruction Queue in 8086
What is multiprogramming?
Schematically show, how synchronization is made between 8086 and its co-processor.
Explain the BHE and LOCK signals of 8086
How clock signal is generated in 8086? What is the maximum internal clock frequency of 8086?
What is meant by Daisy Chaining?
What do you mean by  memory interfacing.
Compare closely coupled and loosely coupled configurations

With a timing diagram, explain the architecture of 8086 in maximum/minimum mode in detail.
Explain any  four  advanced micro processor
Briefly describe about addressing modes of 8086 with suitable examples. Write an assembly language programming to convert  the given Hexa decimal into ASCII
Discuss about the multiprocessor configuration of 8086.