
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Important Questions

Dear Students,

   MPMC all 5 units important questions are available online CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD


Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Dear Students Please find the model _ LAB Questions  CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD Qs


Marks Allocation:

      Aim - 10
      Algorithm - 20

      Program - 30

      Output - 20

      Viva - 10

      Record - 10

     Total - 100 Marks



13 MARKS (5*13= 65 Marks)

1. How would you show your understanding of internal hardware architecture of 8086      
    microprocessor with neat diagram? and What is the main idea of about assembler directives?   
Write an ALP to sort an array of ten bytes in ascending order .Add comments to your program

2. What is Minimum mode operation in 8086? Explain in detail  and draw the timing diagram of  
     memory READ and  memory WRITE operations in 8086 microprocessor    
Explain 8086 Multiprocessor configuration  system in detail.

3. Discuss how 8251 is used for serial data communication  & draw the block  diagram of 
   programmable interrupt controller and explain .
Explain how to interface a Traffic light controller system with 8086 through 8255, with four directional tables. Compute the input values for the traffic light system. With flowchart write ALP for the same

4. Discuss about the organization of Internal RAM and Special function registers of 8051 
    microcontroller in detail

Explain the Data transfer instructions and Program control instructions of 8051 microcontroller..    (ii) Explain in detail  about the interrupt structure of 8051

5. Write a program to generate square, triangular  waveforms  How does  interface a 16x2 LCD display 
    using 8051.
Explain serial communication interface in 8051.Write a program to generate a delay  of 1ms using timer0

PART C (Compulsory)
What is timer/counter? Explain the 16-bit timer mode and 8-bit auto-reload mode of 8051 microcontroller.  Write a program to transfer the message “SSMIET” serially at 9600 baud, 8-bit data, 1 stop bit. Do this continuously Write an timer program to run Timer0 in mode 1 and stop when it overflows 


                                                                  TWO MARKS

  • How is a 20 bit physical address computed in 8086?

  • Can you elaborate on any four string instructions? 

  • What is  modular programming? 

  • Define nonmaskable interrupt? 

  • What  is cycle stealing DMA?

  • Why memory is divided into segments in 8086? What are its advantages.

  • What is the difference between power down mode and idle mode of 8051?

  • What is the use of DJNZ and CJNE instruction

  • With XTAL=11.092 MHz, what value should be loaded into TH1 to have baud rate of 9600

  • List out the alternate functions assigned to port 3 pins of 8051

Sunday, September 24, 2017


Dear Students,

  Please find important questions from Unit_5

Part A (2 Marks)

1.      What is difference between watch dog timer and ordinary timer?
2.      What is the need for de-bouncing the keyboard?
3.      How do you calculate baud rate for serial communication for 8051?
4.      Specify the two types of serial communication.
5.      State the difference between RET and RET1 instruction in 8051.
6.      Differentiate Timers and counters. Draw TCON and illustrate
7.      List the registers used for Serial programming in 8051
8.      A count value of FFFBH is loaded into TH0 and TL0 registers, Determine the delay generated by Timer 0 in Mode1
9.      What is the difference between SJMP and LJMP

10.  What is the necessity to interface DAC with micro controller?
11Differentiate between microprocessor and microcontroller?
12. Define XTAL1 and XTAL2.
13. What are register banks in 8051 microcontroller?

14    Differentiate RRA and RRCA instruction in 8051 microcontroller.

15.    Draw the format of PSW of 8051.

16  What is SFR? 
17Draw the interfacing diagram of LCD with 8051 controller
18Specify the two types of serial communication. 

Part B (16 Marks)

    1.Draw the diagram to interface a stepper motor with 8051 microcontroller and explain also write an 8051  ALP to run the stepper motor in both forward and reverse direction with delay 
     2. Explain 8051 serial communication modes with associated registers.
         Write an ALP to asynchronously transmit the string “ARUN” using Timer1 mode 2 to set Baud rate
    3. Explain different modes of operation of 8051 Timers with its associated registers.                          Write an 8051 ALP to generate 50% Duty cycle square waveform on P2.7. Use timer 0 Mode 1 to    generate delay.
  4. Draw the circuit diagram to interface a matrix keyboard with microcontroller and explain the   algorithm of how microcontroller recognizes the key-press with flowchart.

 5. Draw the circuit diagram to interface an LCD with microcontroller and explain how 
     to display the data using LCD. 
 6. Write a program to generate the square, triangular and trapezoidal               waveforms using 8051 microcontroller
7. Write a program to interface a sensor device with 8051 microcontroller


Dear Students,

   Make use of this crossword puzzle in your free time to familiarize with 8086

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Dear Students,

   Please download MASM_Manual from this site

     Click here