
Tuesday, October 10, 2017


13 MARKS (5*13= 65 Marks)

1. How would you show your understanding of internal hardware architecture of 8086      
    microprocessor with neat diagram? and What is the main idea of about assembler directives?   
Write an ALP to sort an array of ten bytes in ascending order .Add comments to your program

2. What is Minimum mode operation in 8086? Explain in detail  and draw the timing diagram of  
     memory READ and  memory WRITE operations in 8086 microprocessor    
Explain 8086 Multiprocessor configuration  system in detail.

3. Discuss how 8251 is used for serial data communication  & draw the block  diagram of 
   programmable interrupt controller and explain .
Explain how to interface a Traffic light controller system with 8086 through 8255, with four directional tables. Compute the input values for the traffic light system. With flowchart write ALP for the same

4. Discuss about the organization of Internal RAM and Special function registers of 8051 
    microcontroller in detail

Explain the Data transfer instructions and Program control instructions of 8051 microcontroller..    (ii) Explain in detail  about the interrupt structure of 8051

5. Write a program to generate square, triangular  waveforms  How does  interface a 16x2 LCD display 
    using 8051.
Explain serial communication interface in 8051.Write a program to generate a delay  of 1ms using timer0

PART C (Compulsory)
What is timer/counter? Explain the 16-bit timer mode and 8-bit auto-reload mode of 8051 microcontroller.  Write a program to transfer the message “SSMIET” serially at 9600 baud, 8-bit data, 1 stop bit. Do this continuously Write an timer program to run Timer0 in mode 1 and stop when it overflows 

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